Drama strikes… fairly small and very likely self-inflicted…
I was meeting a friend for lunch and thought that I might take the Mini in the nice weather. Cranked up without any concerns, but as I started to pull out of the driveway I heard: flap-flap-flap-flap…
I assumed a belt failed but there was no issues other than the noise. Needless to say I parked in the Mini back in the garage and drove the appliance to lunch. Later I popped the hood to try and diagnose the issue. The belt did not seem to completely fail, but instead seemed to cut off 1/8 of an inch on the outside. I found some shrapnel under the car. I’m guessing it’s due to a mis-aligned pulley, again guessing from when I installed the supercharger pulley. When I put the pulley on, I had the entire supercharger out of the car. It is very possible that there is 1/8 off in the travel.
I managed to get the car apart and lifted the engine to get to the pulley. I was greeted by a bad motor mount, and now have that part on order.