Had a good time back at AutoX for the first time in forever. Mini survived without incident, that was good. The driver was all kinds of rusty, but eventually put in a good run. I’m still running on the tires the car came to me with, which are some un-rememberable name of economy tires, probably with 8000 treadwear rating. That made for a lot of fun, but not a lot of speed. Here’s the best run:
Best time of a 47.3 wasn’t great, placed me in 3rd in the Xtreme Street “group”, first in my class of 1. I ended up running XS-A class simply because I could not figure out how to make the registration site put me in the DSP. It wouldn’t have mattered, I would have been the only car in that class as well.
For comparison, there was only 1 other Mini participating. It was a 2013 S on much nicer Toyo tires. His best time was a 49.2. I ended almost 2 seconds faster. No a bad first outing. Now, having run one… I have a much better idea of the things to fix:
- Wheels and tires (obviously)
- Shocks… and maybe springs
- Shifter + knob (I ripped mine off on the second run and had to throw it in the back)
It was great to be out playing with cars again.